Monday, February 26, 2007


Here is a picture of a wall hanging I did for my sister after she and her husband invited my sister and I for a weekend at the beach. We really had a great time and I thought she would like the memento of our weekend. I used Cheaters cloth and added some quilting and photo's of our time together.


Here is what I am working on for R3 it is the second one in a set of three. The first one is done picture posted in an earlier post.(cq block #1 done) This is what I am working on now. Still using the TAST for help

Three sisters update

Just wanted to update everyone on the Three Sisters Legacy Quilting.
We have almost finished round one. I think it is going great!! I just finished Kathe's today and will get it into the mail this week. (Peek at the photo) As soon as I get mine back I will add round one and the beginning of round 2 YAHOO!!!
I think all of them are just wonderful. I am now working on the second one for round 2 hope to finish it this week and start #3.


Here is the Feather stitch. I did use this in the seam treatment, It is hard to see because of the colors. I added some bead work and colonial knots for the grapes, Also detached chain for the leaves.


Here I am late again!! I have had this done but have not gotten it posted. So I will try to catch up now...I have used the fly sitich to do the stems and small leaves in small ribbon work.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


OK I am going to get off topic today, I guess it will be alright once in a while.

Today is my Birthday, it is one of those days that you are glad you made it to, but you wish everyone would quit reminding you that you are OLD!
I have been dreading this day for a while now. I think when you reach 30 there should be a law that you no longer celebrate birthday's. They regulate everything else why not something that would make me happy and not aggravated.

I can remember as a child I would think Yahoo tomorrow is my birthday no one can forget that, It is the day after Valentines day so there is no excuse.
Now it is a curse!!

When you ask someone to remind you of something they always forget, Hope they will forget something, be sure they will remember!!

Birthdays are like that, everyone has to tell you that it is your birthday.
Like your body did not tell you that this morning when you went to get into the shower.
Walk in take off the clothes, tell yourself not to look....what do you do you look!
"Oh my god, why didn't someone tell me I had a black hair a foot long growing there" The eye's have gone to bifocals, so you can't see anything unless it is in a light bright enough to melt plastic.
Yes the hair is grey, all your body parts forgot that they are not running a race to see who can get to the floor first!
Then when you finally find something that will fit over the body that has went south,
The Phone rings with a voice telling you
"ha ha you are older than me, you are older than dirt"
"Hope you have a Happy Birthday" got to go.
Sit down at the table, You are glistening again, no you have not just run a marathon
you just are sweating like you have. Take off a piece of clothes. Try not to think about it but....there will be someone who want to remind you that you have one foot in the grave and you are hanging on by your nails. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

CQ block #1 Done

CQ Block #1

I have finally finished my first CQ block, I can see where I have done a few things wrong. I almost did not leave myself room to sew it to the quilt top for the Three Sisters Legacy quilt. I will put a border on it when I get the quilt top for the next round. Now to start the next block, maybe I wont get so carried away with the embellishment.

I have just found out the next stitch for the TAST is the feather, I love the feather stitch. Can't wait to get started on the next block.

Friday, February 09, 2007



Here is the pin I finished the other day, I had almost forgot to post the picture.
It is OK, I am sure the next one I do I would be able to do better.



Here is the full block with the silk ribbon and photo that I added. This is really the first time I have ever tried to do silk ribbon in anything....I think it looks great if I do say so myself. (kinda got carried away, maybe?)



Here is my Algerian eye, I still think it looks more like a circle than an eye. I don't care for it too much, but it will be OK after I get more stuff on the block

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I did the Algerian eye stitch today for the TAST. I think mine looks more like a wheel than an eye. Did some ribbon embroidery also. I love the way it looks, think I got a little crazy with it. But I still like it anyway. Guess that is the way it is suppose to be a little crazy :0
Will try to get some pictures up tomorrow. It is getting late and time for me to try to get a little sleep.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I am now behind again on the TAST instead of working on the next stitch, I made a ribbon rose pin and I finished my last block for the Three Sisters round robbin.

Now I am thinking about round two. Still have not decided what to do. I have been surfing, and I still think I want ribbon embroidery. Just can't find a pattern that I would like to use.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007



This is what it looks like all together on the block. I am going to start the next stitch today or tomorrow.

Then I need to get back to the Sisters round robbin.
I have my last one to finish for this round. Now just to wait for them to send me the quilt tops to add it to.

You can see all the photos from the TAST and the Sisters round robin at my flicker site. Just look to the right and find the TAST link and the Quilt Pictures link and it will pop you on over.



Here I used the chevron stitch for a border. I don't know why, but I had a real hard time with this stitch. I bet I had to rip it out 3 times before I got it right.
I think I have it now, not real crazy about how it looks but it will have to do.



I used the cretan stitch for the large leaves of the ribbon roses. I really liked how it turned out and I have never done the stitch before or the ribbon roses.
I am having a great time :)

TAST -Herringbone, Detached chain, Buttonhole


Here is the first pictures of my TAST

I decided to use CQ blocks to do the stitches on, so that when we are done I would be able to use the blocks. I have never done CQ before and think this is a great way to start, and to learn some new stitches at the same time!!

If you look close you will be able to see the Herringbone stitch used for the backdrop.

I used the detached chain for the flowers and leaves and the buttonhole stitch for the vine.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I have been working on the TAST all day, trying to get caught up. I have finally gotten caught up!! I will post pictures on my flicker page tomorrow. It is a great chance to learn some new stitches. If you get the chance take a look at the favorite links bar at the right and check it out.!!