Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A GREAT IDEA: A while back I decided it would be great to have a quilt that both my sisters contributed to, but wanted all of us to be able to have something when done.So I thought a Round Robin, A little different from your normal round robin in that we would not use blocks but use a whole cloth. With it being a whole cloth we needed to make it big enough that we would have space to work but not so big that it would be expensive to mail (as one of the sisters did not live close) I decided about a yard would be good, it did not have to be a strict yard but around a yard would be close enough.The next step would be to contact both the sister's to see if they would be interested. They both thought that it would be a great idea, so now to decide what I was going to do. I decided that I would go and look for some cheaters cloth and just build around that.
THE NEXT STEP OFF TO THE STORE:I picked up two one yard pieces of fabric, I was not excited about what I had found. Went home to play with the fabric. It just did not work in the direction I wanted to go. So disappointed that night I decided to look at some of my quilting books.
BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD:After going through several books (I have an extensive library) I came across the book titled Memory Quilts in the making by Leisure Arts"THAT'S IT!! I FOUND WHAT DIRECTION I WANT TO GO."A quilt titled Connecting Threads, that is the look I am after, so now all I need to do is go to the store tomorrow and find a table linen that has embroidery around the edges.
OFF TO THE STORE FOR THE SECOND TIME:Of course again disappointment. They did not have what I wanted, so I decided I would go to the thrift store and see if I could find a linen there. NO SUCH LUCK. This is turning out to be a pain, well back to square one. Headed back to the store again and decided I would get a yard and half of white muslin, then look for a iron on pattern. I picked out the muslin and headed toward the iron on embroidery patterns, slim pic-kins there. I finally decided on one that I thought would work.
HOME AGAIN:Well I have the idea, the fabric and the iron on. I am just not excited about the iron on. I just remember I have somewhere in my library an old book with tons of iron on's.I Found one that I like, decide I do not want to iron onto my fabric because it will not wash out so I copy the pattern with the computer it spits out 4 copies I cut them apart. Measure the fabric so I can get a 4" border around the fabric. Mark with a water soluble penFind a pleasing way to lay out the pattern,lay the pattern under the fabric and copy the pattern again with the water soluble pen.
LET'S GET STARTED:Ok now I have to do the thing I dread the most: pick out colors for the embroidery, I pick out a green for the leaves, pink for the flowers and a darker pink for accent.Get my hoop and off to do some embroidery. Work Work Work, it is getting late I am almost finished with the center medallion. NOT HAPPY!! I DO NOT LIKE THE COLORS!! go to bed maybe it will get better in the morning.
I AM OBSESSED:It did not get any better, now what? Ok take start taking out thread, start with the accent, not yet, pink, no. Take out all but the green, I love the variegated green so I guess I will go with one color. I can't pick colors so stick with something easy.
FINALLY FINISHED THE EMBROIDERY:It has taken me a week but the embroidery is done, and I think it looks great! (even though I am not great at it)Now to wash out the pen marks, "O NO!!" I have used a thimble and it has left metal marks on the fabric. "Please wash out!" First try, Damn they are still there, I will use a tide to go pen and scrub it with a small tide scrubber, being careful that I don't pull up the threads."THANK GOD, IT WORKED" Now to iron and get a photo on it.
BACK TO THE COMPUTER:I played most of the day with editing photos of My Great Grandmother, Grandmother and My Mother. Finally got the three photos layered into one. With my Great Grandmothers doily as the back ground. I used the Microsoft Digital Imaging program, I really like this program it seems to do most anything I want to do.

On to making the Heading for the quilt and the Quilt labels. After playing on the computer most of the day I have my picture and my labels, printed onto iron on paper.Tried several layouts on the quilt and finally decided on the one I would use.Cut out my fabric squares for the iron on's and ironed them on. Pin them down where I wanted and on to the hand sewing.

Now to get it sent on to the next victim
Live to Create, Create to Live

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